Saturday, September 27, 2008

Searching for...

What am I searching for? The meaning of life? If I remember correctly, it's 42. For a job? As always, I am unemployed. Where did I go wrong? I'm 34 years old, and haven't managed to have the same job for more than 3 years. I usually get really bored and quit. Which then prompts me to make another job search.

I'm going through a Bible study now, and the last section was about Sarah. One of the topics talked about Sarah did not always submit to her authorities - Abraham, God. Then it asked the question, "What authorities do you have trouble submitting to?" Well, I'm still single, so I don't have a husband to listen to. I'm unemployed, so I don't have a boss. I don't live with my parents, so I don't really have to worry about that. The only authority would be God, and I think we all struggle at times submitting to His authority.

Which brings me back to the job search. It would probably go easier for me if I prayed about what I was doing, instead of just sending out resumes to every job I saw posted online or in the paper (yes, I still read an actual newspaper that gets delivered to my doorstep every morning!). There's a material side of me that wants to pay rent and buy food for my dog! And it would be much more simple if I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I've done a little bit of everything, so I've eliminated a few occupations, but I don't feel called to any particular career path. I asked a friend how do you know. His answer was, "If you feel a call, go for it, but other than that, I don't know." That's what seminary and years of being a pastor taught him! Just kidding, Brett, you know I love you!

So pray that I figure something out.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Don't worship the tortilla!

The service today was about the first 2 of the 10 commandments. My pastor likes to tell stories. There was a tortilla for sale on Ebay that had the face of Jesus in it. Now, this happens because the maker burnt it, or it wasn't flipped quickly enough in the frying pan, whatever the reason. The point was that someone paid money for this tortilla. In making the point of not turning the tortilla into idols, he said, "Don't worship the tortilla!" The line stuck with me.

I'm not that great at looking up previous purchases on Ebay and posting links, so if someone out there wants to, great. I just trust that the pastor didn't make this up. Even if he did, I still like the line.


So although I profess to be a Christian, it's been at least a year (not including Christmas Eve) since I went to church. I managed to go today. I realized that even though I haven't walked through the doors in a looooong while, God was still there waiting for me with open arms. I've missed that love in my life. It's been really rough for me, and I so needed to go to church and experience that unconditional love again. Of course, it does help that I like the service and everything about the church. It's home.

You can check it out at

Thursday, May 22, 2008


As a woman in my mid-30s, I couldn't be more excited to hear that the all-time best boy band ever is back - New Kids on the Block!!!! Yes, it's a little cheesy, but come on, we're all allowed a guilty pleasure or two - this is one of mine. I remember going to see them in Austin somewhere around my freshman or sophmore year of high school - '88 or '89 - and my friends all agreed to wear our T-shirts to school the next day. I snuck my camera in (one of the disc cameras - does anyone remember those?) and managed to get a few shots. We were on the floor, so none of the pictures turned out very well, but I can still look at them and know how it felt to be hearing the best group of the day singing "Step By Step." Now I just need to find my tapes and listen to them. Maybe I should search for the albums on CD??

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Not sure what to write, but since everyone else is doing this, I guess I should too. Of course, if everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would I do that too?

I don't know how often I'll post, or what I'll say. This will be as much a surprise for me as it is for all of you.